Spares & Accessories

What is the Versaclimber?
The Versaclimber is the leading climbing exercise machine that offers a low impact total-body workout. Launched in 1981, the Versaclimber is a piece of equipment used in health clubs, military training, sports medicine facilities, corporate and personal gyms all over the world.
How easy is it to install?
The Versaclimber is simple to install and does not require any specific electronic knowledge or DIY. However, you may find it easier to assemble if you have a second person to support you.
How do i get started?
If you’re at a gym, ask a professional to help you – this way you can find the workout level and duration that is right for you and your goals.
For home gyms, always read the manual and follow the below steps:
1. Set the handles to the correct position for your height by standing on the pedals and moving the handgrips so that they are just at shoulder height. Then tighten the straps on the foot pedals around your feet.
2. Select your exercise mode by either adjusting the tension using the number pad, or, for a bit of competition, select a virtual opponent or virtual landmark mode. If you’re unsure what exercise you would like to do, push the QUICK START button and follow the instructions to set the time, rate or duration.
3. Now begin climbing! Stretch your right arm and left leg up, then repeat on the opposite side and continue like this, in an alternating motion. To maintain shock and trauma free training, do not ‘bottom out’ – or hit the bottom of the machine with the foot pedals – at the end of each stroke.
How can i track my training?
The Versaclimber monitor screen provides information on your exercise such as the duration of your session, your climbing rate (Ft/min) and the distance you have travelled. Using this information, you will be able to monitor your progress by judging the distance you have travelled over a certain amount of time.